Tools for processing TAC files
Note that most of the listed applications work with several TAC formats, usually at least with DFT and PMOD files.
Editing TACs
- Combining the regions from two DFT files into one file: tacadd
- Catenating TACs, e.g. for combining early and late measurement data: taccat
- Removing overlapping samples: dftrmovl
- Extracting specified x (sample time) interval from the TACs: taccut, or specified y (concentration) interval: taccuty
- Extracting all or selected TTACs from file: tacsplit and tacadd
- Decay correction: tacdecay and tactime
- Manual time delay correction: tactime
- Deleting selected regions from a set of TACs: tacdel, or deleting TACs that have missing values: tacdelna
- Printing or setting the PET time frames of regional TACs: tacframe
- Adding weights to a DFT (preferably) or other TAC file: tacweigh
- Thresholding and removing negative concentrations in DFT files: dftrmneg
Editing or viewing header information
- Listing the regional TTACs contained in a DFT file: taclist
- Listing the maximum value inside one or several DFT and other TAC files: tacrange and tacpeak
- Listing the sample time range inside one or several TAC files: tacrange
- Changing the region names inside TAC file: tacren, dftvncor, and dfthncor
- Changing the study number inside DFT file: tacstudy
- Sorting regional TACs inside TTAC files by name of region or by sample time: tacsort
- Setting or conversion of calibration and time units in TAC file: tacunit
- Removing the comments inside TAC files:
or in bash:sed '/^#/ d' < inputfile.dat > outputfile.dat
Programs for converting TAC files to other formats
- General TAC file format converter: tacformat
- Converting DFT files to
result file format:
TAC data in CSV and TSV formats can be transposed with csvtrps. - Converting blood and plasma data files into Hammersmith format and back: dft2if, if2dft
- Converting tissue data files into Hammersmith format and back: dft2idwc, idwc2dft
- Converting DFT file into HTML table format for viewing in web browsers or importing to Excel: dft2html
- Convert regional time-activity curve (TAC) data from GEMS Xeleris to DFT format: xel2dft
- Convert TTAC data from Vinci to DFT format:
save TACs as *.cpt files in Vinci, and convert CPT format to DFT using cpt2dft - Convert TTAC data from Amide *.tsv files to DFT format: tsv2dft
- Convert TTAC data from PPET *.tac files to DFT format: ppet2dft
- Converting DFT file into RFIT 4.4 format: dft2rfit
- Dynamic or parametric polar map can be converted to/from DFT file using programs pm2dft and dft2pm
Programs for converting TAC files from/to very old TPC format:
- Converting DFT files to *.roi.kbq files: dft2nci
- Converting *.roi.kbq files to DFT files: nci2dft
- Converting DFT files to *.cpt files: dft2cpt
- Converting *.cpt files to DFT files: cpt2dft
Simple calculations with TACs
- Averaging regional TACs inside one file: dftavg and tacmean
- Average of regional TACs from a list of studies: avgttac
- Weighted average of all TACs ("head curve"): dfthead
- Performing simple arithmetic operations for regional TACs: taccalc
- Subtracting a reference region TAC from other TACs: dftbound
- Calculation of sample mean over time:
dftlevel, or mean weighted by time frame lengths:
dftinteg with option
- Calculation of TAC AUC: dftinteg
- Correction of recovery and spill-over in myocardial TACs: heartcor
- Search time when concentration decreases below certain percentage of peak concentration: dftpeak
Fitting functions to TACs
- Exponential functions: fit_exp and fit_dexp
- Rational functions: fit_ratf
- Sigmoidal functions: fit_gvar, fit_hiad, fit_sigm
- Calculation of TACs from function parameters: fit2dat
See also:
- Regional TTAC files
- ROI drawing
- Plotting TAC data
- Analysis of regional TTAC data
- Linux CLI tools for text files
Updated at: 2021-11-28
Created at: 2008-07-25
Written by: Vesa Oikonen