taccbv - tpcclib 0.8.0 © 2023 by Turku PET Centre
Subtracts the contribution of vascular radioactivity from regional
PET TTACs. Vascular volume fraction Vb can be given as a value that is
common to all regions, or as regional Vb values in a TAC or PAR file,
calculated from a [O-15]CO study or estimated by model fitting.
Usage: taccbv ttacfile btacfile Vb [outputfile]
Negative TAC values are set to 0.
-pv | -tv
Equation Ct=Cpet-Vb*Cb is applied by default or with option -pv;
with option -tv equation Ct=(Cpet-Vb*Cb)/(1-Vb) is applied.
Simulate the contribution of vascular radioactivity instead of
correcting for it, calculating Cpet from Ct using equations above.
Program does not mind if the time or calibration units
cannot be converted to match, or if TAC names do not match.
-h, --help
Display usage information on standard output and exit.
-v, --version
Display version and compile information on standard output and exit.
-d[n], --debug[=n], --verbose[=n]
Set the level (n) of debugging messages and listings.
-q, --quiet
Suppress displaying normal results on standard output.
-s, --silent
Suppress displaying anything except errors.
Example 1:
taccbv uo372.tac uo372ab.bld 0.045 uo372cbv.tac
Example 2:
taccbv uo372.dft uo372ab.kbq uo372vb.dft uo372cbv.dft
Vb values that are >=1 are assumed to be percentages.
Blood TAC can be given in a separate BTAC file, or as a region id inside
TTAC file. Original TTAC file is modified, if output file is not given.
See also: imgcbv, p2blood, fitvb, tacadd, interpol, taccalc, tacunit
Keywords: TAC, modelling, vascular fraction, simulation