interpol - tpcclib 0.8.0 © 2023 by Turku PET Centre

Linear (dot-to-dot) interpolation and integration of PET time-activity data.
Usage: interpol [options] tacfile [outputfile]
 -y or -i or -ii
     TACs are interpolated (-y, default), integrated (-i), or the 2nd
     integral (-ii) is calculated.
 -X=<x1;x2;...> or -C=<start;stop;step> or -F=<xfile>
     The sample times for interpolated or integral TACs can be specified with
     these options; if none of these is given, the sample times of the
     original datafile are used. Definite sample times can be given after
     -X; regular sample timing can be specified using option -C; with -F the
     sample times can be read from given TAC file.
     Input TACs are interpolated and integrated with sample (0,0) or (t,0)
     as their first measurement points.
     Input TACs are interpolated and integrated with sample (0,y) added
     if TAC starts later than at zero time. With option -0=F the first
     existing sample value is used as y value.
     Descriptive title lines (if header information is available) can be
     included (default), or not included.
 -h, --help
     Display usage information on standard output and exit.
 -v, --version
     Display version and compile information on standard output and exit.
 -d[n], --debug[=n], --verbose[=n]
     Set the level (n) of debugging messages and listings.
 -q, --quiet
     Suppress displaying normal results on standard output.
 -s, --silent
     Suppress displaying anything except errors.
Input TAC data is considered to be non-framed even if it contains frame
start and end times; if necessary, frame mid times are calculated and used.
The interpolated or integrated values are calculated exactly at the
specified sample times, except when the start and end times of PET frames
are given with -F=<xfile>; then the time frame average values or integrals
at the frame mid time are calculated.
If output filename is not specified, the results are written to stdout.
If result consists of only one value, output file is not given, and option
-header=no is given, then just the value is printed, without time, for
easier use in scripts. For example in bash:
  auc=$(interpol -i -x=50 -header=no plasma.dat)
  printf "AUC=%s\n" $auc 
See also: taccalc, dftinteg, simframe, tacframe, ainterp, taccut, extrapol
Keywords: TAC, modelling, simulation, tool, AUC, interpolation