ecatlkup 2.2.4 © 1996-2013 by Turku PET Centre

Replaces the pixel values in PET image or scan file with the values from a look-up table. The look-up table must contain two columns: program looks from the first column a matching value for the pixel value, and replaces the pixel value with the value from the second column of the table. Look-up table must be sorted in ascending order. Histogram of the results is listed on the screen in verbose mode. Usage: ecatlkup <Input image> <Look-up table> <Output image> Options: -c If exact match in look-up table is not found, the closest value is selected; by default, value is interpolated from the table. -u=<unit id> Set image unit to a specified value: 0=unknown, 1=cnts/sec, 2=counts, 3=kBq/mL, 4=sec*kBq/mL, 5=1/sec, 6=1/min, 7=mL/mL, 8=mL/dL, 9=mL/(mL*min), 10=mL/(dL*min), 11=unitless, 12=nCi/mL, 13=MBq/mL, 14=Bq/cc, 15=uCi/cc, 16=umol/(min*100g), 17=mg/(min*100g) -h or --help Print this message and exit --version, or --build Print software build information and exit --silent Program works silently, printing only warnings and error messages --verbose Program prints more information about what it is doing. See also: arlkup, imginteg, ecatcalc, ecatunit, ecat2tif, dftlkup Keywords: image, perfusion, autoradiography, look-up table This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under GNU General Public License.


Last updated 2013-07-08 17:09:16