ecathead 2.7.5 © 1995-2013 by Turku PET Centre

Program calculates the average TAC from all pixels in a PET image or scan file in ECAT 6.3 or 7 format, or PET image in NIfTI-1 or Analyze format, and writes it to a specified 'count-rate' file. Count-rate file will be written with mid frame times in seconds, by default. Frame start and end times are saved, if 'count-rate' file is named as '*.dft', otherwise only frame mid times; option -format overrides this. Decay correction is not changed: if image or sinogram is decay corrected, head curve will be decay corrected, and vice versa. Usage: ecathead [Options] <Dynamic image/sinogram> <Head curve> Options: -thr[=<Threshold-%>,<<Nr of frames>|<a>|<fh>>] Count-rate curve is calculated from pixels exceeding the specified threshold level, or 10% level with only -thr. Specified number or default five last frames are used in determining threshold level; alternatively, with 'a' all frames, or with 'fh' the first half of frames are used in thresholding. Without -thr option all pixels are included. -m[in] Count-rate curve times are written in minutes (sec by default) -s[ec] Count-rate curve times are written in seconds (this is the default) -format=<cr|dft> File is written in 'count-rate' format with no titles and with frame mid times only, or, with title lines with PET frame start and end times (dft) -keepnegat Frames with negative mean value are not set to zero. -sum | -cps By default, mean of all or thresholded pixels is calculated; with option -sum the sum of pixel values is reported, or with option -cps the total radioactivity (not concentration). -h or --help Print this message and exit --version or --build Print software build information and exit --silent Program works silently, printing only error and warning messages --verbose Program prints more information about what it is doing. Example: ecathead -thr=10,5 ub6789dy1.img ub6789dy1.head See also: imgpext, img2dft, tocr, fitdelay, tacslope, eframe, tac2svg Keywords: image, ECAT, time delay, count-rate, head-curve, input This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under GNU General Public License.


Last updated 2013-04-18 08:03:21