img2dft - tpcclib 0.8.0 © 2023 by Turku PET Centre
Calculating regional time-radioactivity concentration curves (TACs) from
a PET image in ECAT, Analyze 7.5, or NIfTI-1 format, when
regions-of-interests (ROIs) are given in ECAT 6.3 format ROI files,
as mask image, or as vrd file.
Regional TACs are written in output file in DFT format.
If file name for output file is not specified, it will be saved in the
default path replacing the extension of image file name with '.dft'.
Usage: img2dft [Options] image roifile(s) [tacfile]
Calculate all ROIs on all planes, or on specified plane;
by default, ROIs are calculated only on planes where they were drawn.
Effective only with ROI files, not with mask image.
In addition to regional pixel value averages, either standard
deviation (sd), percentual coefficient of variation (cv), or
variance inside ROI(s) are calculated and saved in separate files
with extensions .sd, .cv, or .var, respectively.
Effective only with ROI files, not with mask file.
-tm Write time frame mid times instead of start and end times.
Calculates ROI median instead of ROI average.
Effective only with ROI files, not with mask image.
-lms Calculates least median of squares estimate instead of ROI average.
Effective only with ROI files, not with mask image.
-lts Calculates least trimmed square estimate instead of ROI average.
Effective only with ROI files, not with mask image.
-h, --help
Display usage information on standard output and exit.
-v, --version
Display version and compile information on standard output and exit.
-d[n], --debug[=n], --verbose[=n]
Set the level (n) of debugging messages and listings.
-q, --quiet
Suppress displaying normal results on standard output.
-s, --silent
Suppress displaying anything except errors.
Options -median, -lms and -lts can only be used for parametric or
static images.
Example 1:
img2dft a1204dy1.img a1204*.roi a1204dy1.dft
Example 2:
img2dft -P=4,6,8,10 us4321dy1.img us4321*.roi
Example 3:
img2dft -V=sd uo286suv.v uo286*.roi
Example 4:
img2dft uo286suv.v uo286mask.v
See also: roilist, lmlist, eroi2img, roipxl, imgthrs, pxl2tac, tacformat
Keywords: image, ROI, mask, ECAT, TAC, analysis, modelling