p2t_fet 1.1   © 2000,2001 by Turku PET Centre
  Simulates a tissue curve from plasma time-activity curve using
  specified parameter values and the model introduced for FMISO in article
    Casciari JJ, Graham MM, Rasey JS. A modeling approach for quantifying
    tumor hypoxia with [F-18]fluoromisonidaxole PET time-activity data.
    Med Phys 1995; 22(7):1127-1139.
    _____     F    _____   a*Ka    _____   Tissue FETNIM (FMISO):
   |  Cp | -----> | Cc  | ------> | Cbp |  dCc=(F/Vt)*(Cp-Cc)-(1-n)Ka*Cc
   |_____| <----- |_____|         |_____|  
              F      |                     Bound product:
                     | (1-a)*Ka            dCbp=a*Ka*Cc
                   _____                   Cellular diffusable product:
                  | Cdp |                  dCdp=(1-a)*Ka*Cc-Kb*Cdp
                     |                     Extracellular diffusable product:
                     | Kb                  dCdpe=((1-n)/n)*Kb*Cdp
                     V                           -(F/(n*Vt))*Cdpe
              F   | Cdpe|                  Total tissue activity:
           <----- |_____|                  Cpet=b1*Cb+
    1) Plasma file
    2) Blood file
    3) Calculation time
    4-11) F, b1 (=Va), b2, Vt, n, Ka, a, Kb
   12) Filename for simulated curves (*.dft)
  e.g.: p2t_fet o01234ap.dft o01234ab.dft 120 
           0.20 0.05 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.020 0.36 0.013 o01234simul.dft
  For accurate results, plasma data should have been fitted to some function
  and have very short (e.g. 0.1 min) time 'frames', and result data should be
  converted to PET frames using program fr4sim.
  Results are saved in DFT format (*.dft) where "regions" are:
    1) Total tissue activity Cpet (sum of 2-6)
    2) Tissue FETNIM b2*Vt*Cc
    3) Bound product b2*Vt*(1-n)*Cbp
    4) Cellular diffusable product b2*Vt*(1-n)*Cdp
    5) Extracellular diffusable product b2*Vt*n*Cdpe
    6) Blood background in tissue b1*Cb