imghead - tpcclib 0.8.0 © 2023 by Turku PET Centre
Program calculates the average TAC from all pixels in a PET image or scan
file in ECAT 6.3 or 7 format, or PET image in NIfTI-1 or Analyze format,
to be used as 'head curve' or 'count-rate' file in time delay correction.
Decay correction is not changed: if image or sinogram is decay corrected,
head curve will be decay corrected, and vice versa.
Usage: imghead [Options] petfile headcurve
-thr[=<Threshold-%>,<<Nr of frames>|<a>|<fh>>]
TAC is calculated from pixels exceeding the specified threshold level,
or 10% level with only -thr.
Specified number or default five last frames are used in determining
threshold level; alternatively, with 'a' all frames, or with 'fh'
the first half of frames are used in thresholding.
Without -thr option all pixels are included.
-min | -sec
TAC times are written in minutes or seconds (default).
Frames with negative mean value are not set to zero.
-sum | -cps | -peakmax | -framemax
By default, mean of all or thresholded pixels is calculated;
with option -sum the sum of pixel values is reported, or
with option -cps the total radioactivity (not concentration), or
with option -peakmax the TAC of pixel which has the max peak value, or
with option -framemax the TAC with values of max at each frame.
-h, --help
Display usage information on standard output and exit.
-v, --version
Display version and compile information on standard output and exit.
-d[n], --debug[=n], --verbose[=n]
Set the level (n) of debugging messages and listings.
-q, --quiet
Suppress displaying normal results on standard output.
-s, --silent
Suppress displaying anything except errors.
imghead -thr=10,5 ub6789dy1.v ub6789head.tac
See also: eframe, pxl2tac, img2dft, tocr, fitdelay, tac2svg, tacformat
Keywords: image, time delay, count-rate, head-curve, input, TAC