imgbfbp - tpcclib 0.8.0 © 2023 by Turku PET Centre

Computation of parametric image of binding potential (BPnd) from
dynamic PET images in ECAT, NIfTI, or Analyze format applying simplified
reference tissue model (SRTM) [1]. The model is solved using the basis
function approach [2], similar to the RPM program.
Note that default limits for theta3 are suitable for [C-11]raclopride;
for other tracers the limits need to be set using command-line options. 
Dynamic PET image and reference region TAC must be corrected for decay.
Fit is always weighted (unless specific weighting options are used), either
based on the counts in SIF provided by user, or if SIF is not provided,
then weights are estimated based on the mean radioactivity concentration
in the dynamic image.
Usage: imgbfbp [Options] imgfile rtacfile bpfile [sif]
     Programs computes also an R1 image.
     Programs computes also a k2 image.
 -min=<value (1/min)>
     Set minimum value for theta3; it must be >= k2min/(1+BPmax)+lambda.
     Default is 0.06 min-1. Lambda for F-18 is 0.0063 and for C-11 0.034.
 -max=<value (1/min)>
     Set maximum value for theta3; it must be <= k2max+lambda.
     Default is 0.60 min-1.
     Set number of basis functions; default is 500, minimum 100.
     Basis function curves are written in specified file.
     Weighted sum-of-squares are written in specified image file.
     Pixels with their theta3 in its min or max value are written
     in the specified imagefile with values 1 and 2, respectively,
     others with value 0.
     Pixels with AUC less than (threshold/100 x ref AUC) are set to zero;
     default is 0%
     Instead of BP, program saves the DVR (=BP+1) values.
     Pixels with negative BP values are set to zero.
 -end=<Fit end time (min)>
     Use data from 0 to end time; by default, model is fitted to all frames.
     If weights are created based on image data, then created SIF can be
     saved with this option.
 -wf | -w1
     Weights are based only on frame length (-wf), or set to 1.0 (-w1).
 -h, --help
     Display usage information on standard output and exit.
 -v, --version
     Display version and compile information on standard output and exit.
 -d[n], --debug[=n], --verbose[=n]
     Set the level (n) of debugging messages and listings.
 -q, --quiet
     Suppress displaying normal results on standard output.
 -s, --silent
     Suppress displaying anything except errors.
  imgbfbp ua2918dy1.v ua2918cer.dft ua2918bp.v
1. Lammertsma AA, Hume SP. Simplified reference tissue model for PET
   receptor studies. NeuroImage 1996;4:153-158.
2. Gunn RN, Lammertsma AA, Hume SP, Cunningham VJ. Parametric imaging of
   ligand-receptor binding in PET using a simplified reference region
   model. NeuroImage 1997;6:279-287.
See also: imgunit, eframe, imgweigh, tacweigh, imgdecay, imgsrtm, bfmsrtm
Keywords: image, modelling, binding potential, SRTM, reference input