img2flat - tpcclib 0.8.0 © 2023 by Turku PET Centre

Extract the pixel values in PET image to a binary flat file
as 4-byte (32-bit) floating point values, in this order of matrices:
All image planes of the first frame, then planes of the 2nd frame, and so on.
The current platforms byte order (little or big endian) is used.
Plane and frame number and matrix dimensions x and y are written on screen
or in specified matrix information file (MIF), if file name for it is given.
These numbers are needed when binary data is imported in another application.
Usage: img2flat [Options] imagefile flatfile [MIF]
 -bins=<Nr of bins>
     This application supports also 2D ECAT sinogram data. With this option
     only specified nr of bins in the mid part of sinogram are saved,
     leaving out bins from both sides.
 -h, --help
     Display usage information on standard output and exit.
 -v, --version
     Display version and compile information on standard output and exit.
 -d[n], --debug[=n], --verbose[=n]
     Set the level (n) of debugging messages and listings.
 -q, --quiet
     Suppress displaying normal results on standard output.
 -s, --silent
     Suppress displaying anything except errors.
See also: flat2img, ecat2ana, ecat2nii, imgunit, eframe, convend
Keywords: ECAT, image, sinogram, format conversion