iftcrypt 1.0.0 © 2006 by Turku PET Centre

Encrypting/Decrypting values associated with specified key words in an Interfile-type file (IFT). Only valid IFT lines are written in output file; file name for output can be the same as for input. Password must contain only alphanumeric characters. It must not be any of the key words in IFT file. Usage: iftcrypt [options] <filename> <output IFT file> <password> <key(s)> Options: -e[ncrypt] | -d[ecrypt] Encrypt or decrypt the specified contents; encrypted by default. -maybe If any of the fields may already be processed, exit with error. e.g.: iftcrypt -encrypt iea00345.ift iea00345.ift swordfish patient_name patient_id See also: iftlist, iftadd, iftdel, e7lmhdr, e7emhdr Keywords: IFT, tool, encryption, decryption

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Last updated 2006-03-16 16:16:40