hist4dat 2.1.2 © 1996-2012 by Turku PET Centre, University of Turku

Calculate a histogram from all values that are given in an ASCII data file; file can contain data on one or several lines, separated by commas and/or spaces. Only point can be used as decimal separator. Resulting histogram file contains the middle value of bin in first column, and the proportion (0-1) of values in the bin in the next column or in several columns when option -s is used. Program also prints on console the mean, sd, cv, and nr of data points. Usage: hist4dat [Options] <Data file> <Histogram file> Options: -b=<Binsize> or -p=<Binsize as % of median> Set the bin size using these options; by default, bin size is 20% of median. -N Histogram is calculated from normalized data (divided by their mean). -d Nr of values in each bin is written in histogram file; proportion of them is written by default. -s Separate histograms for each column (empty values in data file must be marked with dots). -sf=<File for sorted data> -h or --help Print this message and exit. --version or --build Print software build information and exit. --silent Program works silently, printing only error and warning messages. --verbose Program prints more information about what it is doing. See also: imgpext, epxl2dft, dft2dat, ecat2flo, tac2svg Keywords: image, pixel, histogram, statistics, simulation This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under GNU General Public License.

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Last updated 2012-08-15 17:58:55