eabaort - tpcclib 0.8.0 © 2023 by Turku PET Centre

Extracts arterial input curve from human abdominal region of a dynamic
[O-15]H2O PET image by finding the aorta, and corrects it with
recovery coefficient based on method (1, 4).
The current method does also account for effect of background
radioactivity on recovery coefficient (3).
Supported file formats are ECAT 6.3, ECAT 7, NIfTI-1, and Analyze 7.5.
In case of NIfTI and Analyze image input, you may need to add the frame
information to the blood data afterwards.
NOTICE: all image planes should contain a clear view of the abdominal
aorta that has not yet split into two vessels, and no other high spots;
crop the image before using this program.
NOTICE: It is recommended that either the full width half maximum (FWHM)
value or individually measured aorta diameter is specified as command-line
option, because both cannot be reliably estimated from a noisy image.
NOTICE: It is also recommended that the full width half maximum (FWHM)
value is determined for each scanner and reconstruction method.
Usage: eabaort [Options] petimage bloodfile
     Enter a fixed value for FWHM (mm); fitted by default.
     Results will not be reliable unless either FWHM or vessel diameter
     is measured and fixed.
     Enter a fixed value for inner vessel diameter (mm); fitted by default.
     Results will not be reliable unless either FWHM or vessel diameter
     is measured and fixed.
     Model is fitted separately to all image planes, and by default
     the mean FWHM and vessel diameter are used to estimate an average
     blood TAC using all image planes.
     With this option the median can be used instead of the mean, or
     blood TAC can be estimated only from the plane that provides
     the highest fitted peak.
     Select the PVE simulation method; Gaussian smoothing by default.
     Set image pixel size (mm) in x,y dimensions. Necessary, if image header
     does not have valid pixel size.
     Length (mm) of the fit square side. By default, 30x30mm square
     surrounding the peak pixel value is used in the fit.
     Save sum image sub-volume which is used to fit vessel position.
     Save fitted sum image sub-volume.
     Model estimated background curve.
     Model estimated peak TAC (not corrected for recovery error).
     Subrange of the original dynamic image used in fit; for testing.
 -h, --help
     Display usage information on standard output and exit.
 -v, --version
     Display version and compile information on standard output and exit.
 -d[n], --debug[=n], --verbose[=n]
     Set the level (n) of debugging messages and listings.
 -q, --quiet
     Suppress displaying normal results on standard output.
 -s, --silent
     Suppress displaying anything except errors.
Example 1: FWHM is measured, vessel diameter is estimated from image:
     eabaort -FWHM=6.3 -diameter=best s9876dy1.v s9876ab.dat 
Example 2: vessel diameter is measured, FWHM is estimated from image:
     eabaort -FWHM=fit -diameter=19.2 s9876dy1.v s9876ab.dat 
1. Germano G, Chen BC, Huang S-C, Gambhir SS, Hoffman EJ, Phelps ME.
   Use of abdominal aorta for arterial input function determination
   in hepatic and renal PET studies. J Nucl Med 1992;33:613-620.
2. Scremin OU, Cuevas-Trisan RL, Scremin E, Brown CV, Mandelkern MA.
   Functional electrical stimulation effect on skeletal muscle blood
   flow measured with H215O positron emission tomography. Arch Phys
   Med Rehabil 1998;79:641-646.
3. Brix G, Belleman ME, Hauser H, Doll J. Recovery-koeffizienten zur
   quantifierung der arteriellen inputfunktion aus dynamischen PET-
   messungen: experimentelle und theoretische bestimmung. Nuklearmedizin
4. Liukko KE, Oikonen VJ, Tolvanen TK, Virtanen KA, Viljanen AP, Sipilä HT,
   Nuutila P, Iozzo P. Non-invasive estimation of subcutaneous and visceral
   adipose tissue blood flow by using [15O]H2O PET with image derived input
   functions. Open Med Imaging J. 2007; 1: 7-13.
See also: fit_h2o, imgflow, fitdelay, imgbox, simiart
Keywords: input, blood, image, aorta