e63mdel - tpcclib 0.8.0 © 2023 by Turku PET Centre

Delete specified image matrix (frames and plane) in ECAT 6.3 file.
Note! Missing matrices usually prevent the usage of the image in most software.
Usage: e63mdel [Options] imgfile frame plane outputfile 
 -h, --help
     Display usage information on standard output and exit.
 -v, --version
     Display version and compile information on standard output and exit.
 -d[n], --debug[=n], --verbose[=n]
     Set the level (n) of debugging messages and listings.
 -q, --quiet
     Suppress displaying normal results on standard output.
 -s, --silent
     Suppress displaying anything except errors.
  e63mdel a2345dy1.img 20 10 a2345dy1_partial.img 
See also: e63mreg, esplit, imgdelfr, lmlist, eframe, efixplnr, imgadd
Keywords: ECAT, matrixlist, cropping, software testing