b2t_mo2 - tpcclib 0.8.0 © 2023 by Turku PET Centre
Simulation of PET tissue time-radioactivity concentration curve (TTAC)
in skeletal muscle [O-15]O2 PET studies from decay corrected arterial blood
[O-15]O2 and [O-15]H2O curves (oxygen and water BTACs).
The compartmental model for [O-15]O2 in skeletal muscle is:
Blood Muscle
| K1 | |
| O ----------> O + O -Mb |
| 2 <---------- 2 2 |
| k2 |
| | | k3 |
| | V |
| K1 | |
| H O ----------> H O |
| 2 <---------- 2 |
| | K1/pH2O |
Model definitions:
K1=perfusion (f, mL/min/dL), OER=k3/(k2+k3),
Ki=f*OER (mL/min/dL), and
Metabolic rate of oxygen MRO2=Ki*[O2]a (mmol/min/dL)
Usage: b2t_mo2 [options] obtacfile wbtacfile f OER ttacfile
-sub | -nosub
TACs of sub-compartments are written (-sub)
or not written (-nosub, default) into the output file.
Simulated TACs are added to an existing tissue data file.
By default, existing file is overwritten.
-Vb=<Blood volume (%)>
Set the simulated blood volume; default is 3.5%.
-Af=<Arterial proportion (%)>
Set the simulated arterial proportion of total blood volume;
default is 30%.
Set the partition coefficient of water; default is 0.99.
Set the K1/k2 for oxygen; by default the K1/k2 is estimated from
OER and saturation curves for hemoglobin and myoglobin.
Saturation of arterial blood hemoglobin; default is 0.97.
Half-saturation pressure for hemoglobin; default is 3.6 kPa.
Half-saturation pressure for myoglobin; default is 0.319 kPa.
Hill coefficient for hemoglobin; default is 2.7.
Concentration of myoglobin in muscle; default is 4.7 mg/g.
Concentration of hemoglobin in blood; default is 150 mg/g.
Blood flow (perfusion) is assumed to be given per perfusable tissue
volume excluding vascular volume. TTAC will still be simulated per
regional PET volume including vascular volume.
Enter a name (1-6 chars without spaces) for the simulated TTAC.
Save the simulated venous [O-15]O2 BTAC
Save the simulated venous [O-15]H2O BTAC
-h, --help
Display usage information on standard output and exit.
-v, --version
Display version and compile information on standard output and exit.
-d[n], --debug[=n], --verbose[=n]
Set the level (n) of debugging messages and listings.
-q, --quiet
Suppress displaying normal results on standard output.
-s, --silent
Suppress displaying anything except errors.
For accurate results, input BTACs should be noiseless and have very
short sampling intervals. Simulated curves can thereafter be interpolated
to represent PET frames using program simframe.
Calculated tissue activities are written in the specified file with
these data columns. Columns 2-6 will be saved optionally (-sub):
0) Time
1) Total regional radioactivity concentration (2+3+4+5+6)
2) Labelled [O2] component of TTAC
3) Labelled [H2O] component of TTAC
4) Arterial BTAC component of TTAC
5) Venous labelled [O2] component of TTAC
6) Venous labelled [H2O] component of TTAC
1. Nuutila P, Peltoniemi P, Oikonen V, Larmola K, Kemppainen J, Takala T,
Sipila H, Oksanen A, Ruotsalainen U, Bolli GB, Yki-Jarvinen H.
Enhanced stimulation of glucose uptake by insulin increases
exercise-stimulated glucose uptake in skeletal muscle in humans: studies
using [15O]O2, [15O]H2O, [18F]fluoro-deoxy-glucose, and positron emission
tomography. Diabetes 2000; 49:1084-1091.
2. Oikonen V, Nuutila P, Sipila H, Tolvanen T, Peltoniemi P, Ruotsalainen U.
Quantification of oxygen consumption in skeletal muscle with PET and
oxygen-15 bolus. Eur J Nucl Med. 1998; 25: 1151.
3. Oikonen V. Modelling of low oxygen consumption. In: J. Knuuti, J. Rinne,
P.Tenhonen (ed.), Medical Applications of Cyclotrons VIII. Abstracts of
the VIII Symposium on the Medical Applications of Cyclotrons.
Annales Universitatis Turkuensis D346:16, 1999.
See also: fit_mo2, o2metab, o2_p2w, fit_o2bl, sim_o2bl, tacadd, simframe
Keywords: TAC, simulation, modelling, oxygen, skeletal muscle