ana2ecat - tpcclib 0.8.0 © 2023 by Turku PET Centre

Conversion of Analyze 7.5 database(s) to ECAT 7 image volume or ECAT 6.3
image format.
Conversion can also be done using ImageConverter (.NET application).
Usage: ana2ecat [Options] database
 -7 or -6
     Images are written in ECAT 7 (default) or 6.3 format.
 -O=<output path>
     Data directory for ECAT images; by default current working directory.
     Override the default and environment variable ANALYZE_FLIP setting
     by always flipping/not flipping image in z-direction (planes).
     If environment variable is not set, then default is y.
     Images are always flipped in x,y-directions.
 -h, --help
     Display usage information on standard output and exit.
 -v, --version
     Display version and compile information on standard output and exit.
 -d[n], --debug[=n], --verbose[=n]
     Set the level (n) of debugging messages and listings.
 -q, --quiet
     Suppress displaying normal results on standard output.
 -s, --silent
     Suppress displaying anything except errors.
Analyze database can be specified as a path, or filename without extension.
Program reads time frame information from SIF, if SIF is located in
the Analyze database directory and if file is named with *.sif extension.
Conversion of all Analyze files in directory S:\temp\neuro to ECAT 7
images in directory C:\data in PC/Windows:
   cd \data
   ana2ecat s:\temp\neuro
Specific extensions to Analyze 7.5 format:
 -Scale factor to retain quantitation in image_dimension.funused1
 -Isotope halflife (sec) in image_dimension.funused3;
  this does not imply whether data is corrected for decay or not.
 -String in data_history.descrip tells whether data is corrected for decay;
  'Decay corrected.' or 'No decay correction.'
See also: ecat2ana, eframe, sif2ecat, e7emhdr, e7evhdr, flat2img, nii2ecat
Keywords: image, format conversion, ECAT, Analyze