SW development in TPC

Most software development in TPC is currently done in C#/.NET and Visual Studio. Please ask Timo Laitinen or Sauli Piirola for assistance.

However, lots of in-house programs are still written and maintained in C, because it is faster to update or recompile the C programs when necessary, than to convert the program into C#. TPCCLIB library including many applications is built and packaged using CMake system for Windows and Linux (Ubuntu), and the packages can be downloaded from seafile.utu.fi, Dropbox or OneDrive folder. Source codes are also available in gitlab.utu.fi repository. Documentation for TPCCLIB gives instructions for compiling the C programs. Instructions for setting up the environment for TPCCLIB development are given for Windows and Linux.

Some CLI C programs are still available only for Windows and Linux in here, with source codes for the applications here and for the deprecated libraries in here. If these programs need updating, it is recommended to add those into TPCCLIB. Packages of even older programs that have not been updated or recompiled for a really long time can be downloaded from here: library source codes, source codes, and MS-DOS binaries.

See also:

CMake logo Doxygen logo
GCC logo GitLab logo

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Updated at: 2023-02-05
Written by: Vesa Oikonen